Dear Chris,

      Today I stop to think. Twenty years ago you and I made one of the most important, sincere, life-directing promises we ever will, second only to the days we each chose to be baptized and live our lives for Christ. Twenty years ago we committed to doing life together, to remain faithful to each other always, to consider one another when making life decisions, to help each other, honor each other, love and respect each other. For life.

      It seems nearly impossible that TWENTY years have gone by already. I have found myself doing a lot of pondering today. I’ve considered what we have accomplished since we were married, things like buying and renovating a home, starting a part-time business of our own and converting that business into our full-time livlihood, and, other than our mortgage, becoming completely debt-free. While none of these are small things, I still found my thoughts drifting to the things I wish we could have accomplished by now. However, after much thought, I have settled those feelings with the realization that “accomplishments” are not the right guage for success in our marraige or life. Sure, others may seem to have life more “figured out” or appear to be more “put together” than we feel at times, but I’m guessing that is true for everyone.

      When I think about the things that actually matter in this life, I realize I am incredibly blessed. I have been able to share nearly half of my life married to an amazing man who completes me in so many ways. Although I may not always be quick to realize it, the difference in the way we approach things brings a needed balance to our home. You are constantly reminding me to not take things so seriously, that not everything in life needs to be planned and, even more, that not everything needs to be perfect. You are strong, courageous, care-free, fun-loving, and more willing and ready to help others than anyone I have ever known. You are devoted to being a great dad, loving and training our children to do right, even when it’s difficult. You keep us all dreaming and lead us in letting go and saying “yes” to experiences we may never have again.

      I am so very blessed to be partners with a man who shares my faith, loves the Lord, and will walk beside me as we try to reach our final home in Heaven. Knowing this, I find peace in being able to wholeheartedly trust that you are forever committed to the promise we made all those years ago. Sure, there has been “better” and “worse” along the way, and I’m sure there will be more of both in our future. But that’s the beauty of a promise for life and I can’t imagine it with anyone else. Thank you for sharing all the great memories and the seasons of growth with me through the years. I hope we are blessed with many, many more!

      All my love always,


      P.S. I included a few recent photos of us on our Redwood vacation. Don’t cringe – some of them are cell phone shots.


      This is so beautiful Nettie and we see you and Chris just the way you do always yes we do thank you I love you both so much and I’m so proud of you both and all your accomplishments.You both do such a great job with parenting. We couldn’t ask for better kids we love you so much!

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